Dr Niharika doing Cosmetic Acupuncture on herself for treatment of fine lines
Cosmetic acupuncture is a non-surgical way to enhance your beauty compared to standard acupuncture techniques, which involve inserting thin needles into the skin. The basic concept of unblocking energy points to stimulate blood flow, reduce stress and enhance immune responses remains the same. Its popularity has increased manifolds over the past several years.
Appearance does matter, and in their quest to look beautiful, people fall prey to invasive skin treatments that can harm them. Cosmetic acupuncture is an alternative way to boost your looks. Dr. Niharika Chugh is a cosmetic acupuncture specialist in Delhi, rendering cost-effective and customized cosmetic acupuncture services for more than 11 years.
She has helped numerous clients regain their confidence. She offers treatments like wrinkle lifting, face-toning, reducing fine lines and hyperpigmentation, under-eye dark circle reduction, breast enhancement and reduction, acne treatment, anti-aging remedy, weight loss, and hair growth.
Dr. Niharika diagnoses each patient before commencing any treatment to suggest the best possible combination of therapies. She is a soft-hearted person and follows a holistic approach at the clinic. The way Dr. Niharika Chugh diagnoses and treats her patients and provides them with a home-like atmosphere makes her one of the best cosmetic acupuncture specialists in Delhi.